Poetry Research
Writing Poetry, Reading Poetry,
Listening to Poets, Ideas for Poems
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes, Tools
Writing, Reading, Criticism, Research
Research by
Mike Garofalo
Writing Poetry: A Beginner's Notes
Poets in Vancouver, Clark County, WA
This webpage is a list of books in my home library in Vancouver, Washington, in
VSCL: Valley Spirit Center Library.
VSCL normally means a paperbound or hardbound copy, mostly purchased used and
some new via my Amazon account, e-book Kindle versions so noted.
It is also a list of titles I have enjoyed reading that were borrowed from the
Fort Vancouver Regional Library (FVRL), Clark County,
Washington (2017-2025); and from (1998-2017) the Tehama County Public Library in Red Bluff, California, or from California State University at Chico.
I read many of these books starting in 1962, and then worked 40 years in
libraries, classrooms, and media centers.
Beat Poets. Edited by Carmela Ciuraru. Everyman's Library, 2002, 256 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.35.
Beneath a Single Moon: Buddhism in Contemporary American Poetry. Edited by Ken Johnson and Craig Paulenich. Introduction by Gary Snyder. Shambhala, 1991, index, 358 pages. VSCL.
The Book of Songs: The Ancient Chinese Classic of Poetry. Translated
from the Chinese by Arthur Waley. Grove Press, 1996, 388 pages. VSCL.
California Poetry: From the Gold Rush to the Present. Edited by Dana Gioia, Chryss Yost, and Jack Hicks. Great Valley Books, 2003, 640 pages. VSCL.
Classical Chinese Poetry: An Anthology. Translated and edited by David
Hinton. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008, notes, bibliography, 475 pages.
Cuttings: Haiku and
Short Poems. By Michael P. Garofalo.
English Romantic Poets: Modern Essays in Criticism. Edited by M. H. Abrams. Oxford University Press, 1960, 384 pages. Paperbac, Used, $.50, FVRL Booksale, VSCL.
Folk and Fairy Tales. Edited by Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek.
4th Edition. Broadview Press, 2009. Sources, Criticism,
bibliography, 411 pages.
Imagist Poetry: An Anthology. Edited
by Bob Blaisdell. Dover, 1999, 158 pages. VSCL.
Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets. Edited by David Biespiel. Oregon State university Press, 2006, 329 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.91.
Make It True: Poetry from Cascadia. Edited by Paul Nelson, George Stanley, Barry McKinnon, Nadine Maestas. Leaf Press, 2015, 351 pages,
brief biographies. VSCL. Used, from Time Enough Bookstore in Ilwaco, WA, $20.
Modern American Poetry and Modern British Poetry. Edited by Louis
Untermeyer. Harcourt, Brace and World, 1919, 1962, indexes, 541 pages.
Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient
China. Selections and Translated by David Hinton. New Directions,
2005, Notes, 293 pages. VSCL.
Neo-Paganism, Modern
Druidry: Poetry, Lore, Practices, Holidays
The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. Second Edition. Eited by Richard Ellmann and Robert O'Clair. W. W. Norton, 1973, 1988, indexes, 1,875 pages. VSCL.
The Norton Anthology of Poetry. Edited and commentary by Margaret
Ferguson, Tim Kendall, and Mary Jo Salter. Sixth Edition. W. W.
Norton, 2018, indexes, bibliography, 2038 pages. VSCL.
The Oxford Book of American Poetry. Edited with commentary by David
Lehman and John Brehm. Oxford University Press, 2006, indexes, 1200 pages.
The Oxford Book of English Verse. Edited by Christopher Ricks. Oxford University Press, 1999,690 pages, indexes. Hardbound, Used, $5.00.
The Penguin Anthology of 20th-Century American Poetry. Edited by Rita
Dove. Penguin, 2011, 656 pages. VSCL.
Poems for the Millennium. The University of California Book or Modern and Postmodern Poetry. Volume Two: From Postwar to Millennium. Edited by Jerome Rothenberg and Pierr Joris.
Study in English Religious Literature. By
Louis L. Martz. Yale University Press, 1954, index, 375 pages. VSCL.
The Poetry of Meditation: A Study in English Religious Literature. By
Louis L. Martz. Yale University Press, 1954, index, 375 pages. VSCL.
Poetry for the Earth. A collection of poems from around the world that
celebrates nature. Edited by Sara Dunn with Alan Scholefield.
Faucett Columbine, 1991, index, 247 pages. VSCL.
The Portable Beat Reader. Edited by Ann Charters. Penguin, 1992,
645 pages. VSCL.
Pragmatism and American
Philosophy: Aesthetics
Shakespeare's Sonnets. Edited by Katherine Duncan-Jones. The
Arden Shakespeare, 1997, index, 488 pages. VSCL.
The Sonnet: An Anthology. Edited by
Robert M. Bender and Charles L. Squier. Washington Square Press, 1985, 428
pages. VSCL.
The Spirit of Gardening Over 3,500 quotes and poems arranged by 250
topics. Online since 2000. Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.
Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry. Edited by
Wu-chi Liu and Irving Yucheng Lo. Indiana University Press, 1975,
appendices, 634 pages. VSCL.
Text Art,
Visual/Pattern Poetry
There Once Was a Limerick Anthology. Edited by Michael Croland. Dover, 2022, 96 pages. VSCL.
The Thin Curve. The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku.
Edited by Jim Kacian. Red Moon Press, 2000, 154 pages. VSCL.
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time. Edited
by Katharine Washburn and John S. Major. W. W. Norton,
1998, indexes, 1,338 pages. VSCL.
Zen Koans Research
Subject Index to 1,975 Zen Koans
Zen Poetry: Bibliography,
Links, Resources, Notes
Criticism, Tools, Academics
How to Read and Write Poetry
and some works on Art, Art History, Beauty, Imagination, Aesthetics, Tools, Resources n ...
Art and Its Objects. By Richard Wollheim. Cambridge University Press, 2015, 200 pages.
The Bedford Handbook. By Diana Hacker. Fifth Edition.
Bedford, St. Martins, 1998, 810+ pages. VSCL.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Poetry. By Nikki Moustaki. Penguin Alpha, 2001. VSCL.
The Complete Rhyming Dictionary. Edited by Clement Wood. 1991. VSCL.
The Creative Act: A Way of Being. By Rick Rubin. Penguin, 418 pages, 2023, VSCL.
Creativity, Inc. Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. The Expanded Edition. By Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace. Random House, 2023, index, 482 pages. VSCL.
The Discovery of Poetry: A Field Guide to Reading and Writing Poems. By Frances Mayes. Harvest Harcourt, 2001, index, 521 pages. VSCL.
The Elements of Style. By William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White. Second Edition. Macmillan, 1972, 78 pages. VSCL.
How to Read a Poem. By Burton Raffel. New American Library,
1984, index, 260 pages. VSCL.
Introduction to Literature, Criticism, and Theory. By Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle. 5th Edition, 2016. VSCL.
Languages of Art. By Nelson Goodman Hackett Pub. Co., 1976, 296
pages. Online
PDF Version, 2020. VSCL (Book).
The Making of a Poem: A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms.
Strand, Mark and Eavan Boland. New York, W. W. Norton, 2000. General index, author index, glossary,
biographies of authors, 366 pages. VSCL.
Merrian-Webster's Rhyming Dictionary. Second edition, 2006, 441 pages. My favorite. VSCL.
Merrian-Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary. 2001, 347 pages. Small paperback. VSCL.
Metaphors We Live By. By George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.
University of Chicago Press, 1980, 276 pages. VSCL.
Mimesis as Make-Believe: On the Foundations of the Representational Arts.
By Kendall L. Walton. Harvard University Press, 1993, 480 pages.
New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary. Oxford Quick Reference. Oxford University Press, 2013, 2nd Edition, 448 pages. Rhymes for over 45,000 words. This dictionary for rhymes is my favorite to use. The end of this book (pp. 230-448) is an index of English words and the numerical key to organized rhymes for each word in the front of the book. I go to this book every day for rhyme ideas. VSCL - 2 copies.
The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry. Volume 2. Edited by Jahan Ramazani, Richard Ellmann, and Robert o'Clair. Norton, 2013, 1,210 pages. VSCL.
The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within. By Stephen Fry. Gotham, 2005, 355 pages. VSCL.
Partridge's Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. Edited by Paul Beale. 1989, 534 pages. VSCL.
The Penguin Pocket Rhyming Dictionary. Penguin, 2005, 503 pages.
Philosophy of 'As If.' By Hans Vaihinger. Martino Fine Books,
1925, 2009, 420 pages.
A Pocket Style Manual. Third Edition. By Diana Hacker. Bedford, 2000, 233 pages. VSCL.
A Poetry Handbook: A Prose Guide to Understanding and Writing Poetry.
By Mary Oliver. Harcourt Harvest, 1994, index, 130 pages. VSCL.
The Poetry Toolkit: The Essential Guide to Studying Poetry. By Rhian Williams. Bloomsbury, 3rd Edition. VSCL.
The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry. By Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux. W. W. Norton, 1997, index, appendices, 284 pages. VSCL.
A Poet's Guide to Poetry. By Mary Kinzie. University of Chicago,
1999, indexes, 561 pages. VSCL.
The Practice of Poetry: Writing Exercises From Poets Who Teach. By Robin Behn and Chase Twitchell. William Morrow, 1992, 300 pages. VSCL.
Roget's International Thesaurus. Fourth Edition. Revised by Robert T. Chapman. Harper and Row, 1977, 1,317 pages. Hardbound, Used, $8.00. VSCL.
The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Philosophy of Art. By Arthur
C. Danto. Harvard University Press, 1983. Index, 212 pages. VSCL.
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. By
Bruno Bettelheim. Vintage, 1975, 340 pages. VSCL.
Webster's Rhyming Dictionary. 2017, 2014 pages. Paperback. VSCL.
Who Reads Poetry: 50 Views From Poetry Magazine. Edited by Fred Sasaki and Don Share. University of Chicago, 2017, 215 pages. FVRL.
Spanish for Reading: A Self-Instructional Course. Barron's Foreign Language Guides. By Fabiola Franco and Karl C. Sandberg. 360 pages, 1998. VSCL. Used, $15.00.
Twentieth-Century Latin American Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology. Edited by Stephen Tapscott. University of Texas, 1996, 444 pages. VSCL. Used, $7.00.
The FSG Book of Twentieth Century Latin American Poetry. Bilingual Edition. Edited by Ilan Stavans. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011, 768 pages. VSCL. Used, $11.00.
Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish: A Creative and Proven Approach. By Margarita Madrigal. Crown, 1989, 512 pages. VSCL.
Introduction to Spanish Poetry: A Dual-Language Book. Edited by Eugenio Florit. Dover Dual Language Spanish. Dover, 1991, 160 pages. VSCl.
Easy Spanish Step-by-Step: Mastering High-Frequency Grammer for Spanish Proficiency. 1st Edition. By Barbara Bregstein. McGraw Hill, 2005, 320 pages. VSCL. New, $9.00.
Neruda, Pablo. Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970 (Neruda, Pablo) (English and Spanish Edition). A bilingual edition edited and translated from the Spanish by Ben Belitt.
New York, Grove Press, 1974. Bibliography, 431 pages.
Little caught my fancy in this collection. VSCL.
First Spanish Reader: A Beginner's Dual-Language Book, English-Spanish Edition, 1988, by Angel Flores. VSCL.
The Oxford Bood of Latin American Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology. Edited by Cecilia Vicuna and Erneston Livon-Grossman. Oxford University Press, 2009, 561 pages. FVRL. The typography for the Spanish is poor.
Merrian-Websters's Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary. 2002, 420 pages. VSCL.
Cassell's Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary. Edited by Edgar Allison Peers, Jose V. Barragan, et. al. Funk and Wagnalls, 1966, 1477 pages. Hardbound, $.50, FVRL Booksale, VSC>
Auden, Wynstan Hugh. (1907-1973) Author, poet, lyricist, critic, English-American
W. H. Auden Collected Poems. Edited by Edward Mendelson. Modern Library, 1976, 2007, Indices, 928 pages. FVRL.
Collected Poems of W. H. Auden. Edited by Edward Mendelson. Paperback. VSCL.
Auden Poems. Everyman's Library. VSCL.
Beat Poets. Edited by Carmela Ciuraru. Everyman's Library, 2002, 256 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.35.
Berry, Wendell.
The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry. By Wendell Berry.
Selected with an introduction by Paul Kingsnorth. Counterpoint, Reprint
Edition, 2019, 368 pages. VSCL.
He lives on a farm in Henry County,
Kentucky. I've never made a living off of a farm, having lived in East Los
Angeles for 52 years. When we lived in the North Sacramento Valley,
near Red Bluff, California (1998-2017), we lived on five acres of land in a
rural setting of almond and walnut orchards. We enjoyed gardening,
landscaping projects, planted a 125 tree orchard, and related to farmlands in
new ways; and both were
part-time employees of the Tehama County School District, not making a living as
farmers like Wendell Berry. I read Wendell Berry in 1999 and connected
with his themes and style.
A Bird Black as the Sun: California Poets on Crows and Ravens.
Blyth, Reginald Horace
(1898-1964) Many books and essays by R. H. Blyth on Haiku, Zen, and
Asian and Western poetry. I have been reading and enjoying R. H. Blyth since my sophomore days in high school.
California Poetry: From the Gold Rush to the Present. Edited by Dana Gioia, Chryss Yost, and Jack Hicks. Great Valley Books, 2003, 640 pages. VSCL.
Dickinson, Emily. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Edited by Thomas H. Johnson. Little, Brown and Co., 1890, 1960, index, 769 pages. VSCL.
Dickinson: Selected Poems and Commentaries. By Helen Vendler. Havard University Press, 2010, 535 pages. FVRL.
Eliot, Thomas S. Complete Poems and Plays. Faber and Faber, 2004, 608 pages.
Frost, Robert (Date)
The Collected Poems of Robert Frost. VSCL.
Ginsberg, Allen. Allen Ginsberg: Selected Poems, 1947-1995. Harper, 1996, 444 pages. VSCL.
Ginsberg, Allen. The Fall of America: Poems of these States 1965-1971. City Lights, 1972, 188 pages. VSCL.
Ginsberg, Allen.
Howl and Other Poems. City Lights, 1959, 57 pages. VSCL.
Ginsberg, Allen. The Essential Allen Ginsberg. Harper, 2015, 448 pages. VSCL.
Garofalo, Michael Peter. Above the Fog
Garofalo, Michael Peter. Concrete Poetry
Garofalo, Michael Peter. Poetry
Jeffers, Robinson.
Robinson Jeffers: Selected Poems. Vintage, 1965, 128 pages.
Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets. Edited by David Biespiel. Oregon State university Press, 2006, 329 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.91.
Luna, Christopher. message from the vessel in a dream. 2018, 130 pages. VSCL.
Native American Stories, Poems, Sayings, Lore, Languages. Primarily Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest.
Oliver, Mary (1935-2019).
New and Selected Poems, Volume One.
Beacon Press, 1992, 255 pages. This book of poetry won the National Book Award
and Pulitzer Prize in 1992, and still is one of the
best selling books of poetry. VSCL.
Oliver, Mary.
New and Selected Poems, Vol. Two.
Beacon Press, 2005, 175 pages. VSCL.
Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry, Volume 2: From Postwar to Millennium. Edited by Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris. University of California Press, 1998, 912 pages. VSCL. Used, $7.42.
Rilke, Rainer Marie. Duino Elegies. Translated by J. B. Leishman and Stephen Spender.
W. W. Norton, 1939, 130 pages. VSCL.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Translated by Edward Fitzgerald in 1859.
Introduction and Notes by Robert D. Richardson. Original Art by Lincoln
Perry. Bloomsbury, 2016, 116 pages. VSCL.
Roethke, Theodore. The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke. Anchor Books, 1975, 272 pages. VSCL.
Schnackenberg, Gjertrud.
Supernatural Love: Poems 1976-1992. Straus and Giroux, 2000, 288
Snyder, Gary.
The Gary Snyder Reader. Counterpoint, 2000, 640 pages. VSCL.
Stevens, Wallace.
Wallace Stevens: Collected Poetry and Prose. Edited by Frank Kermode
and Joan Richardson. Library of America, 1997, 1030 pages. VSCL.
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
Poet, Journalist, Printer, Civil Servant, Civil War Hospital Services
Stroke Victim, Pioneer of the American Free Verse Style of Poetry
Leaves of Grass: The "Death-Bed 1892" Edition. Modern Library, 1993, 736 pages. Hardcover, $26.00.
Leaves of Grass: The "Death-Bed 1892" Edition. Modern Library, 1993, 777 pages, 1,549 KB. Kindle E-book, $4.00.
Includes the 1855 First Edition
and the longer 1892 Final Edition. VSCL.
Whitman: Poetry and Prose. Edited by Justin Kaplan. Library of America College Editions, 1996, 1,244 pages. VSCL, hardbound used.
The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman. By M. Jimmie Killingsworth. Cambridge University Press, 2007, index, 139 pages. Uses the Whitman: Poetry and Prose book for page references. FVRL borrowed.
Williams, William Carlos. The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams: Volume I (1909-1939); Volume II (1939-1962). New Directions, 1986, 583 pages & 551 pages. VSCL.
Williams, William Carlos. Patterson. Revised Edition prepared by Christopher MacGowan. New
Directions, 1946, 311 pages. VSCL.
Winters, Yvor. The Selected Poems of Yvor Winters. Edited by R. L. Barch. Introduction by Helen Pinkerton Trimpi. Swallow Press, Ohio University, 1999, 128 pages.
Poets from Vancouver, Clark County, WA
message from the vessel in a dream. By Christopher Luna. 2018, 130 pages. VSCL.
Ghost Town Poetry: Volume Two, 2004-2014. Edited by Christopher Luna and Toni Partington. Printed Matter Vancouver, WA, 2014, 98 pages. FVRL.
Ghost Town Poetry Blog. By Christopher Luna.
William Edgar Stafford (1914-1993) ) Lewis and Clark College
Ask Me: 100 essential poems. By William Stafford. Edited by Kim Stafford. Graywolf Press, 2014, 109 pages. FVRL.
I Sing the Salmon Home. Poems from Washington State. Edited by Rena Priest. Empty Bowl Press, Chimacum, Washington. 2023, 275 pages, biographies, FVRL 808.81.
Make It True: Poetry from Cascadia. Edited by Paul Nelson, George Stanley, Barry McKinnon, Nadine Maestas. Leaf Press, 2015, 351 pages,
brief biographies. VSCL. Used, from Time Enough Bookstore in Ilwaco, WA, $20.
Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets. Edited by David Biespiel. Oregon State university Press, 2006, 329 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.91.
Theodore Roethke (1908-1963) University of Washington
Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets. Edited by David Biespiel. Oregon State university Press, 2006, 329 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.91.
Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets. Edited by David Biespiel. Oregon State university Press, 2006, 329 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.91.
California Poetry: From the Gold Rush to the Present. Edited by Dana Gioia, Chryss Yost, and Jack Hicks. Great Valley Books, 2003, 640 pages. VSCL.
Beat Poets. Edited by Carmela Ciuraru. Everyman's Library, 2002, 256 pages. VSCL. Used, $6.35.
Winters, Yvor. The Selected Poems of Yvor Winters. Edited by R. L. Barch. Introduction by Helen Pinkerton Trimpi. Swallow Press, Ohio University, 1999, 128 pages.
Snyder, Gary (1930-) West Coast poet, lives in Sierra Nevada foothills, Zen influenced, from Portland
Snyder, Gary. The Gary Snyder Reader. Counterpoint, 2000, 640 pages. VSCL.
Charles Bukowski, Thomas Cleary, Deng Ming-Dao, Robert Duncan, Dana Gioia,
Robert Hass, Juan Felipe Herrera, Lee Herrick, Robinson Jeffers, Jack Kerouac,
Carol Muske-Dukes, Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, Jack Spicer,
Yvor Winters,
more: Stanford, City Lights, State Poets, Women, Beats, Protests, Country, Historical
Writing Poetry in English: A Beginner's Notes
By Mike Garofalo
If you want to write English language poetry,
then I would advise you to:
Read some poetry every day
Read different kinds of poems
Read books that give you tips
Read books that critics write
Study the printer's typography
Attend an Open Mic or lecture
Take a poetry class
Use the Internet, Zoom, FB groups
Be influenced by poets and authors
Read some Poetry Manifestos
Wat does the punctuation say
Gather and harvest ideas
Study the English language
Write a poem, or more, everyday
Keep a pencil and notebook at hand
Play with pencil lettering and sketching
Jot, scribble, doodle, note, draw, list
Write a poem, or more, everyday
Expand memories with written words
Set your timer and start to write
Don't delay, seize the day: Write!
Writing is Work, you know it's true
Note, scribble, jot, doodle, draw, list
Write a poem, or more, everyday!
Be a writer, Do It, Do It Now
Be creative, enjoy yourself, strive
Acquire writing tools to use:
Oxford Rhyming Dictionary,
Roget's Thesarus, Darnell's Slang
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary—
etc., etc., others as well.
Learn a language other than English
Increase your vocabulary
Read translations from other languages
I read bi-lingual Spanish-English books
Strive to understand other cultures
Learn how language and culture relate
I have enjoyed reading and writing poetry since my college years in 1963.
I earned a B.A. degree in Philosophy from CSULA in 1967, a M.S. degree
in Library and Information
Science on scholarship at USC in 1968,
and attended Master's degree classes in both in Philosophy at CSULA, and
ithe Master's degree classes for the Eementary Eucation Taching
Credential at Chico State in 2005. I have been employed by libraries,
governments, schools, private students, and web customers since 1962.
Most of my professional writing has been business correspondence, grants,
reports, proposals, reviews, essays, lectures, websites, etc.
My Experiments:
I hav
My Experiments:
At the Edges of the West, Volume 2 PDF Format
Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington
This webpage was last modified, improved,
revised, edited, or updated on January 19, 2025.
This webpage was first distributed online on January 23, 2004.
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Green Way Research Subject Index
How to Live a Good Life: Advice From Wise and Respected Persons
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License,
© 2020 CCA 4.0
Created or compiled by Michael Peter Garofalo, Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington © 2004-2025, CCA 4.0
Mike Garofalo at Klickitat River in Southwestern Washington, 2019
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