of Our Yard and Gardens Comparisons: 1998 to 2007
Photographs by Months of the Year
Trees and Shrubs
Inventory of Trees and Shrubs
Planted on Our Red Bluff, California, Property
NP = Number of trees or shrubs planted on our Red Bluff
A number of these trees and shrubs were planted by the former owners.
Climate and Weather in Red Bluff, California
Soil testing at our home in Red Bluff indicates that we garden in surface (top 12") soil composed of: 57% clay, 37% sand, and 6% silt. The soil is reddish brown looking, smooth in consistency, containing no pebbles or rocks. I used the "rapitest soil tester" and found the soil to be: very acidic with a 5.5 - 6.5 pH, with a medium nitrogen level, with a medium phosphorus level, and with a low potash level. Over the past few years we have amended the soil with: dolomitic limestone, commercial 16-16-16 fertilizer, ironite, composted manure, sand, truckloads of topsoil, grass and garden cuttings, leaves, straw, and home compost.
Reference Source:
Sunset Western
Garden Book.
By the Editors of Sunset Books and Sunset
Magazine. Menlo Park, California, Sunset Publishing Corporation, 1995.
The 40th Anniversary Edition. 6th Edition in 1997. Detailed indexes, 624
pages. One of the best standard reference works for California gardeners.
Key: (S#) Page for information
in the Sunset Western Garden Book 1995 Edition.
Acer, Maple, 'Autumn Blaze" NP=1 Autumn Fantasy Maple (Acer freemani) NP = 2 (S135)
Apple Fuji apple: cross of Ralls and Delicious made in Fujisaki, Japan in 1962 NP=3 (S155)
Arbutus unedo, strawberry tree NP=3 (S162)
Arctostaphylos, 'Emerald Carpet' NP=1 (S163)
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, 'Point Reyes' NP=1 (S164)
Betula pendula, European White Birch NP=9 (S184)
Blackberry Blackberry NP=20. Boysenberry NP=20, Loganberry NP=2 (S185)
Buddleia davidii, Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac NP=8 (S192)
Callistemon citrinius, Lemon Bottlebrush NP=20 (S197)
Calocedrus decurrens, Librocedrus decurrens, Incense Cedar NP=6 (S198)
Carya illinoensis, Pecan, 'Mahan', 'Mohawk', 'Pawnee' NP=4 (S209)
Castanea crenata x setiva, Spanish Chestnut 'colossal' NP=1 (S210)
Casuarina cunninghamiana, River She Oak, Beefwood NP=3 (S211)
Ceanothus, 'Victoria" NP=1 (S212)
Cestrum nocturnum, Night Jessamine NP=2 (S219)
Cherry 'Bing' (2) 'Lapins' (1) Rainer (1) Utah Giant (1) Numerous varieties NP=10 (S222)
Chitalpa tashkentensis NP=1 (S224)
Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum", Airplane plant (Houseplant)
Choisya ternata, 'Sundance' Mexican Orange NP=2 (S225)
Citrus, Orange (3), Lemon (3) Tangerine (1) Lisbon Lemon (1) NP=7 (S230)
Citrus, Ture dwarf citrus
Mexican Key Lime 6'-10'
Owari Satsuma Mandarin, 4'-8'
Nagami Kumquat, 8'-12' (2)
Corylus maxima, Filbert (hazelnut), 'Casina', 'Wilamette', NP=2 (S296)
Cupressus arizonica, 'Arizona Cypress' NP=9 (S252)
Cupressus sempervirens, Italian Cypress NP=18 (S252)
X Cupressocyparis lelandii, Cupressus leylandii, Leyland cypress NP=15 (S252)
Diospyros kaki Persimmon 'Fuyu' (3), 'Chocolate' (1) NP=3 (S412)
Eriobotrya japonica, Loquat NP=2 (S275)
Eucalyptus citriodora, Lemon scented Gum NP=7 (S282)
Eucalyptus polyanthemos, Silver Dollar Gum NP=30 (S285)
Euonymus japonica, 'Aureo-variegata' NP=5
Ficus carica, White Kadota Fig (4), Black Mission (3), Peter's Honey (2), Genoa (1), Condaria (1) NP=15 (S295)
Fraxinus angustifolia, 'Raywood' Ash NP=3 (S298)
Grevillea robusta, Silk Oak NP=2 (S313)
Hamamelidaceae, Sweet Gum, Liquidambar (NP=5) (S357)
Hibiscus syriacus, Rose of Sharon, Shrub Althaea, 'Diana- white' 'Blushing Bride - pink to white" NP=3 (S223)
Hydrangeaceae macrophylla, Hydrangea (NP=5) (S327)
Ilex, Holly NP=2 (S329)
Various Photographs for Our Yard and Gardens
Fruits and Nuts - Quotes For
Juglans regia 'Hartley', Walnut NP=1 (S521)
Juniperus chinensis Torulosa, J.c. Kaizuka, Hollywood Juniper NP=12 (S340)
Juniperus chinensis 'Corymbosa Variegata', Variegated Hollywood Juniper NP=8 (S340)
Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzerana', Pfitzer Juniper NP=5 (S340)
Juniperus chinensis Spartan Juniper NP=2 (S340)
Juniperus horizontalis Blue Chip, Tamarix, Wiltoni: Blue Carpet NP=5 (S339)
Lagerstroemia indica, Crape Myrtle NP=8 (S345)
Laurus nobilis, Sweet Bay, Grecian Laurel NP=22 (S349)
Lingustrum, Privet NP=3 (S354)
Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree NP=1 (S357)
Malus 'Liset', Crabapple NP=1 (S372)
Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Dawn Redwood NP=2 (S380)
Morus alba, fruitless mulberry NP=6 (S383)
Nandina domestica, Heavenly bamboo NP=8 (S386)
Nerium oleander, Oleander NP=45 (S390)
Olea europaea, Olive (NP=2) Mission=1, Manzanillo=7 (S393)
Pinus, various species/varieties, Pine NP=15
Pittosporum tobira, Japanese mock orange, NP=12
Populus nigra, "Italica', Lombardy Poplar (Cottonwood) NP=4 (S434)
Populus fremonti, Western or Fremont Cottonwood (Poplar) NP = 12 (S434)
Prunus, 'Nonpareil' almond NP=3 (S146)
Prunus, Apricot, 'Moorpark,' 'Perfection'
'Puget Gold' 'Royal Rosa"
"Canada E. Blenheim" Apricot-plum Hybrid (Flavor Delight
Aprium) NP=8 (S159)
Prunus domestica, Plum, 'Satsuma'
(3) and 'Santa
Rosa' (2) 'Pluot' (1) NP=5 (S428)
The Flavor King Pluot is a interspecific hybrid derived from apricots and plums.
Weeding - Quotes For Gardeners
Prunus laurocersasus, English laurel NP=2 (S439)
Prunus persica, Peach, 'O'Henry' (1) Fay Elberta Peach (1) Dixon Cling (NP=6) (S403)
Punica granatum 'Wonderful', Pomegranate NP=2 (S445)
Pyracantha coccinea, Firethorn NP=6 (S446)
Pyracantha watereri, Firethorn NP=5 (S446)
Pyracantha koidzumii 'Striblingii', Firethorn, NP=2 (S446)
Quercus dumosa, California Scrub Oak NP=7 (S448)
Quercus lobata, California Valley Oak, White Oak NP=1 (S448)
Quercus suber, Cork Oak NP=3 (S449)
Quince, Smyrna (NP=1)
Rhus lancea, African Sumac NP=3 (S460)
Rosa, Roses, NP=17
Rosemarinus officinalis, Tuscan Blue NP=20 (S469)
Ruellia brittoniana NP=1 (S470)
Salix alba tristis 'Niobe', golden Niobe weeping williow NP=5 (S472)
Salix caprea, French Pussy Willow NP=2 (S472)
Salix matsudana tortuosa, Corkscrew Willow, Twisted Hankow Willow NP=15 (S472)
Sambucus callicarpa, Coast Red Elderberry NP=1 (S473)
Sequoia sempervirens, Coast Redwood Fifoli, Korbel KT, NP=5 (S483)
Spiraea japonica, 'Anthony Waterer', NP=2 (S 2001, p.616)
Spiraea nipponica, Snowmound NP=2 (S490)
Syringa vulgaris, Common Eastern Lilac (2), French Hybrid Sensation (2) NP = 4 (S499)
Traachelospermum jasminoides, Confederate Jasmine Vine
Viburnum plicatum, Japanese snowball NP=2 (S519)
Vitex agnus-castus, Chaste Tree NP=1 (S520)
Vitis vinifera, Grape, European: 'Thompson seedless' (8), 'Flame
seedless' (8), 'Concord' (2)
'Flame seedless' (4), 'Black Monutka' (2)
'Muscat' (2) NP=26 (S310)
Weigela florida, 'Variegata', or Weigela rosea NP=5 (S523)
Reference books we use for our research on trees and shrubs:
Sunset Western
Garden Book. By the Editors of Sunset Books and Sunset
Magazine. Menlo Park, California, Sunset Publishing Corporation, 1995.
The 40th Anniversary Edition. 6th Edition in 1997.
Detailed indexes, 624 pages. One of the best standard reference works for California gardeners.
Northern California Gardening: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes
Shrubs and Climbers. Hampton, England, DK Publishing, 1996 (Ist American Edition). ISBN: 078940429X.
The Backyard Orchardist: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruit Trees in the Home Garden
Backyard Orchardist: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruit Trees in the Home Garden
by Stella Otto
Western Garden Book
Over 8,000 plants
described. Essential reference resource for all gardeners in the United
The History of Gardening Timeline
The most serious insect problems we face are borers, grasshoppers, beetles, and worms. We also have problems with trees getting sun scald. We sprayed for borers during the dormant season, and water and fertilize the trees to keep them strong to resist borers. I paint the trunk of new trees with white paint. The borers ruin the bark of the trees.
The grasshoppers, worms and beetles feast on plants in the vegetable garden and on some of the annuals grown for flowers. As the wild plants in the adjoining fields, used for grazing by horses and cows, begin to dry up in the summer, the grasshoppers and beetles look for greener opportunities. We are tying to go organic and not use pesticides in the vegetable garden. The many wild guinea hens enjoy insects of all kinds; and we train the dogs not to chase them.
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Photographs by Months of
the Year
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Red Bluff, California
Aster frikartii
Bleeding Hearts
Cosmos bipinnatus
Foxglove digitalis
Johnny Jump Ups
Lamb's Ears
Lavender (English, French and Spanish)
Peruvian Daffodils
Poppies - California
Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia noaria)
Roses - Bush, climbing, hedge, miniature, old
Sweet Peas|
Verbena - numerous colored hybrids
Wildflowers of all types try to grow in our flower
beds. Straw mulch is very inexpensive and helps to keep
the weeds down, helps keep water down, and cools the plant
Reference books we use for our research on garden flowers:
Simon and Schuster Guide to Garden Flowers. By
Guido Moggi and Luciano Giugnolini. New York,
Simon and Schuster, 1983, ISBN: 067146678X.
Perennials for Northern California. By Bob Tanem and Don
Williamson. Edmonton, Canada, Lone Pine
Publishing, 2002. 360 pages, many indexes and lists.
ISBN: 1551052512.
Northern California Gardening:
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes
Flowers - Quotes for Gardeners
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Photographs by Months of
the Year
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Red Bluff, California
Bay Laurel
Cat Mint
Garlic - A variety of types planted
Lavender - Spanish, French, English
Mint - various types
Oregano - Greek
Rosemary (Actually, I use upright Tuscan Rosemary in hedging. In grows to
heights of 4 to 6 feet, is
tolerant of heat and drought, and produces beautiful blue
colored flowers in our wet and cold season.
The needles of this plant look nice in
the bright hot Red Bluff summertime; and make an excellent
seasoning with our medium
grained Colusa [Cal-Rose] grown
rice. A very handsome plant for our
area: Rosemarins officinalis, Tuscan
Blue.) We also grow prostrate creeping rosemary.
Saint John's Wort
Sage - various types
Sweet Woodruff
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Red Bluff, California
We enjoy many of the fall and winter crops, and like the fact that it takes less work and water to get them to flourish.
We also have a substantial summer vegetable garden. Our neighbors, C.B. and Gertie to the southeast and Ruth to the northeast have very large summer gardens with plenty of corn, tomatoes, squash, and beans.
Our vegetable garden needs lots more manure, compost, straw, sand, black soil tilled
into the clay base.
We built a 40" high fence around the garden
using scrap lumber; which will help cut the winds from the north and south.
We had
our first really good winter crop in 2000.
Beans - We grow beans of all kinds on tall tripods and on the fence around the
Bok Choi (WS = Winter-Spring Crop)
Cabbage (WS)
Cucumbers (Lemon, Armenian (my favoriete))
Eggplant (Japanese dark purple and English rosy pink)
Gourds of all types
Grapes (One can grow fine tasting seedless table grapes in our area.
Grape leaves, however, are here prone
to invasions of leaf hoppers. We enjoyed our first crop of seedless table grapes in
7/98. The vines produce
quite a large crop of tasty grapes. )
Jerusalem artichoke
Honeydew Melons
Peas (WS)
Peppers (Bell, Jalapenas, Cayenne, Pequins, sweet .... A must plant for a
hot weather garden. Bring on the salsa!)
Potatoes (Not with much success.)
Pumpkins of all types
Radishes (WS)
Squash (We have planted 8 varieties of squash, including the ubiquitous
Zucchini. Coming from an Italian cooking family, I was raised on tasty vegetable
dishes, including some squash delicacies. Many squash are climbing vines
and make for good vertical green.)
Swiss chard (WS)
Tomatoes (We have planted 17 varieties of tomatoes. The Red Bluff
Nursery always has a wide selection of contemporary and heirlooms in the Spring. I
don't recomment ground planting of tomato seedlings before April 15th.)
Wildflowers of all types try to grow in our
vegetable garden. Straw mulch is very inexpensive and helps to
these "weeds" down, helps keep water down, and cools the plant
California Gardening: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes
Vegetables - Quotes for Gardeners
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Celastrus scandens, American Bittersweet NP=3 (S215)
Cestrum nocturnum, Night Jessamine NP=2 (S219)
Geisemium sempervirens, Carolina Jessamine (Evergreen, yellow flowers)
Hedera helix, English Ivy (small leaf variety) NP=1 (S317)
Hedra helix, Variegated English Ivy (small leaf variety) NP=1 (S340)
Lonicera japonica, Hall's Honeysuckle NP=1 (S361)
Lonicera japonica 'Purpurea' Purple-leaf Japanese Honeysuckle NP=1 (S361)
Trachelospermum jasminoides, Confederate Jasmine Vine, (Evergreen, white flowers)
Urticales Moraceae Creeping Fig
Vegetables: beans, gourds, melons, squash.
Vitis vinifera, Grape, European: 'Thompson seedless' (8), 'Flame
seedless' (8), 'Concord' (2)
'Flame seedless' (4), 'Black Monutka' (2)
'Muscat' (2) NP=26 (S310)
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of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Photographs by Months of
the Year
Red Bluff, California
Annual sowthistle Sonchus oleraceus L.
Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila menziesii
Bedstraw, Cleavers Galium aparine L.
Bermudagrass Cynodon Dactylon
Bindweeds - Wild Morning Glories - Convolvulus arvensis L.
white flowers - June
Black medic Medicago lupulina L.
Black mustard Brassica nigra (Yellow
flowers in the spring)
Broadleaf plantain Plantago major L.
Brodiaea - Elegant,
Lilly Family Brodiaea elegans
Brome - Califronia Bromus carinatus H. & A.
Brome - Downy Bromus tectorum
Cattail common cattail - brown flowers - June
Chickweed common Stellariamedia
Chicory, Blue Daisy, Coffeeweed, Succory
Cichorium intybus L.
Cleavers, Bedstraw Galium aparine L.
Clover - Bull Trifolium fucatum
Clover - Red Trifolium pratense
Clover - White Sweet Melilotus alba
Common cattail Typha latifolia L. Found
in the ditches.
Common chickweed Stellaria media L. Vill
Common cocklebur Xanthium strumarium L.
Common purslane Portulaca oleracea L.
Corn spurry Sperfula arvensis L.
Crabgrass - Large Digitaria sanguinalis
Cranesbill, Storksbill, Wild Geranium Geranium Carolinianum L.
Creeping woodsorrel Oxalis corniculata L.
Curly dock Rumex crispus L. (June)
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
Datura, Jimson Weed Datura stramonium
Desert rockpurslane Calandrinia ciliata
Dog Fennel, Mayweed Anthemis cotula
Erect knotweed Polygonum erectum L.
Filaree - Red Stemed, "Storksbill, Cranesbill"
Erodium cicutarium
Goosegrass, Eleusine indica
Hairy vetch Vicia villosa
Hawkweeds - yellow flowers - May, June
Hare barley Hordeum leporinum Link
Horse Nettle Solanum carolinense L.
Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense
Junglerice (Red striped crabgrass) Echinochloa colona L. Link
Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Mallow - common Malva Neglecta Wallr.
Mayweed, Dog Fennel Anthemis cotula
Morningglory Ipomoea purpurea L.
Mustard - Black Brassica nigra (Yellow
flowers in the spring)
Nettleleaf goosefoot Chenpodium murale L.
Netseed lambsquarters Chenopodium berlandieri Moq.
Pale smartweed Polygonum lapathifolium L.
Persian speedwell Veronica persica Poir.
Pineapple-weed Matricaria matricarioides
Plantain - broadleaf Plantago major L.
Pokeweed, Pokeberry, Inkberry, Pigeonberry Phytolacca
Decandra L.
Poppy - California Eschscholzia californica
Prostrate knotweed, Polygonum aviculare L.
Puncturevine Tribulus terrstris L.
Purslane - Desert rock - dark pink flowers - May
Radish Raphanus sativus L. Purple and white
flowers in the spring
Redstem filaree Erodium cicutarium Storksbill
Redmaids Calandrinia ciliata
Rush - Common Juncus effusus. Grows in the ditches
Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis
Sheperdspurse Capsella bursa-pastoris
Smartweed - Pale Polygonum lapathifolium
Sorrel - Redwood Oxalis oregana
Spiny sowthistle Asteraceae
Spotted catsear Hypochaeris radicata L.
Spurge - Spotted Euphorbia nutans Lag.
Star Thistle, Centaurea solstitialis L. Asteraceae
(Sunflower) (This is a very common wild flower in our
It is a very hardy thistle, drought tolerant, tought, spiny, and dangerous to
cattle and sheep.
When nearly all wild flowers are brown and dead in a 110 degree heat wave in
star thistles will be a dull green, 2 to 3 feet high, with yellow flowers.
Very difficult to eliminate.
I have cut star thistle's down with my riding mower to a inch high, and seen
them still bloom
when only two inches high.)
Storksbill, Wild Geranium, Cranesbill Geranium Carolinianum L.
Sunflower family - many kinds
Velvet-leaf Abutilon theophrasti Medic.
Vetch - Hairy Vicia villosa (Purple bloom March-May)
Wild Geranium, Cranesbill, Storksbill Geranium Carolinianum
Wild Lettuce Lactuca scariola L.
Witchgrass Panicum capillare L.
Wyeth lupine Lupinus wyethii
Yellow sweetclover Melilotus officinalis
Mayweed, Dog Fennel Anthemis cotula L.
Reference books we use for our research on
Weeds of the West. By Tom D. Whitson, Editor.
Authors: Tom D. Whitson, Larry C. Burrill, Steven A. Dewey,
David W. Cudney, B.E. Nelson, Richard D. Lee, and Robert Parker. Newark, California, The Western Society
of Weed Science, 1992. 630 pages. ISBN:
0941570134, Revised in 1992.
Excellent color photographs of all the plants described.
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers - Western Region.
By Richard
Spellenberg. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1979, 1988. ISBN:
A Field Guide to Pacific States Wildflowers. By Theodore F.
Niehaus and Charles L. Ripper.
Peterson Field Guide Series. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co.,
1976. ISBN: 0395216249.
Edible and Useful Plants of California. By Charlotte
Bringle Clarke. Berkeley, University of California
Press, 1977. ISBN: 0520032616.
Northern California Gardening: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes
All About Weeds. By Edwin Rollin
Spencer. Illustrated by Emma Bergdolt. New York, Dover
1940, 1957. ISBN: 0486230511.
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Months and Seasons
Quotes, Poems, Sayings, Verses, Lore, Myths, Holidays
Celebrations, Folklore, Reading, Links, Quotations
Information, Weather, Gardening Chores
Compiled by Mike Garofalo
Pulling Onions: Quips and Observations of a Gardener
Photographs for Our Yard and Gardens
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Photographs by Months of the Year
Plants in the Pond and Ditches
Cattails - Broad Leaved, Typha latifolia
Pale smartweed
Sweet Flag (Acorus Calamus)
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Euphorbia ferox Red Spined cactus
Maammillaria matudae Pincushion cactus
I have 18 different kids of cactus/succlents on the back porch.
I purchased these at nurseries in Red Bluff,
Corning, Redding and Chico. However, I have not identified all of them.
Northern California Gardening:
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes
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of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons: 1998 to 2007
Red Bluff, California
Barn Swallow, Hirundo
rustica ASFGC 317
Black Phoebe, Sayornis nigricans, BNC
Blue Jay See Western Scrub-Jay
Blackbird - Brewer, Euphagus cyanocephalus, BNC 351, Present all
Bluebird - Western, Sialia mexicana ASFGC 325
Bullock's Oriole, Icterus bullockii,. BCFG 347
Bushtit, Psaltriparus minimus, BNC 281
California Quail (Phasianidae Callipepla)
BNC 127
Canada Goose, Branta canadensis
ASPN 266
Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum, BCN309,
Coot - American, Fulica americana, BNC 133, January in ricefield
Crow - American, Corvus brachyrhynchos, BNC 266
Cowbird - Brown-Headed, Molothrus ater, BNC 352
Ducks and Geese - scores of thousands fly overhead in the winter months.
Egret - Great, Ardea alba, BNC 62
Egret - Snowy, Egretta thula ASPN 262
Flicker - Northern, Colaptes auratus, BNC 237
Geese and Ducks - scores of thousands fly overhead in the winter months.
Goldfinch - American, Carduelis tristis, BNC 364
Goldfinch - Lesser, Carduelis psaltria, BNC 363
Great Egret, Ardea alba, BNC 62
Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus (Karen and I observed a very large
Great Horned Owl up high in the
cottonwood tree over the middle
pond on 9/23/2003.)
Grosbeak - Black Headed, Pheucticus melanocephalus
Guinea fowl Numida meleagris
Hawk - Red-Tailed, Buteo jamaicensis,
BNC 112
Hawk by the
pond, 8/29/07
Hawk - Red-Shouldered, Buteo lineatus, BNC 110
Heron - Green, Butorides virescens ASPN 262
Heron - Great Blue, Ardea herodias, BNC 61
Housefinches, Carpodacus mexicanus, BNC 359
Hummingbirds - Anna's Calypte anna
Hummingbirds - Black-chinned Archilochus alexandri
Hummingbirds - Rufous Selasphorus rufus
Junco - Dark Eyed, Junco hyemalis, BNC342,
March, December
Kestrel - American, Falco sparverius, BNC 116
Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus, BNC 139 Lay
their eggs on the open ground. Mothers are great actors
that try all kinds of actions to get you to walk away from their exposed
King Bird - Western Tyrannus verticalis
Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis
Magpies - Western Magpies, Yellow
nuttalli (Mike's favorites: curious, noisy, social, colorful, big.)
In the summer of 2004 we found two dead
magpies in the yard. By the end of the summer, our large local
group of over 16 magpies had
disappeared. Some local birders say that the magpies were killed by
West Nile Virus.
Mallard Duck, Anas platyrhynchos, BNC 80
Meadowlark - Western, Sturnella neglecta, BNC 349
Mockingbird - Northern, Mimus polyglottos, BNC 304. Singing from
high perches for hours.
Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, BNC 200
Oriole - Bullock's, Icterus bullockii,. BCFG 347
Pheasant - Ring-Necked, Phasianus colchicus, BNC 121
Quail - California, Callipepla californica, BNC 127
Red-winged blackbirds, Agelaius
phoeniceus, BNC 347, Spring and summer visitor.
Rock Dove, Columba livia, BNC 198
Robin, Turdus migratorius, BNC 301, springtime visitor
Rufous-sided Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus, spring
Snow Goose, Chen
caerulescens ASPN 265
Sparrow - House, Passer domesticus, BNC 366
Sparrows - Many varieties
Starling - European, Sturnus vulgaris,
BNC 307
Swan - Tundra, Cygnus columbianus, BNC 75, Winter visitor
Turkey vulture, Cathartes aura, BNC 68
Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta, BNC 349
Western Scrub-Jay, Aphelocoma californica, BNC 261
Woodpecker - Acorn, Melanerpes formicivorus, BNC 228
We have a feeder in the backyard and front yard for seeds and dry dog food. We also have hummingbird feeders in the front and back yards. The feeders in the front yard are right outside our home office. The feeders have attracted many birds. As the seasons bring new phases to the production of fruit and seeds, on cultivated and wild plants, we see different birds that come to feast on the bounty.
Juncos feast on the pyracantha berries in the winter months.
King Bird: There was a pair nesting in our basketball goal (7/3/99 ... left on 8/18). They are also known as Tyrant birds because of their aggressive behavior. Every time we watered our vegetable garden (which was then right next to the basketball goal), the birds set up such a racket. The pair flew up in the air like they were fighting; flapping their wings and squawking! They dove at both dogs, but not at us. Sometimes the mother remained on the nest; but, if she saw you look at her, it was up into the air and on with the noisy diversions. The King bird is in the fly catcher family - too bad they are not fond of tomato hornworms! They are a pretty gray bird with a bright yellow breast. In 2000-2002, they nested in the cottonwood tree in the summer.
There is a large family of magpies that like to feast on dry dog food in the feeder.
Our neighbor raises chickens. The walk around her yard sometimes - a great temptation for our dogs. We share some expenses for feed and get plenty of eggs.
We have spotted the American Bald Eagle along the Trinity River
and nesting around Shasta Lake.
We have spotted wild turkeys (Meleagrididae gallopavo) in the blue oak woodlands
and near the Sacramento River.
Reference Books and Resources that we use:
Birds of Northern California.
By David Fix and
Andy Bezener. Range maps by Don Roberson and
David Fix. Renton, Washington,
Lone Pine Publishing, 2000. 384 pages.
ISBN: 155105227X.
Reference Key: BNC page, e.g., BNC 55.
Birds of California Field Guide.
By Stan Tekiela. Cambridge, MA, Adventure
Publications, 2003. ISBN: 1591930316.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Pacific Northwest.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to California.
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Western Region.
By Niklos D. F. Udvardy. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1977, 1988. ISBN: 0394414101.
Raptors of California.
By Hans Peeters and Pam Peeters. California Natural History Guides.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 2005. ISBN:0520242009.
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Photographs by Months of
the Year
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Red Bluff, California
Worms and bees are essential to a successful garden. Dearly respect the livestyle of worms!
Alfalfa Looper moth
Ant lions
Bees - Honey
Beetles - many kinds
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber, Sceliphron caementarium
Black Widow Spider - Western, Latrodectus hesperus
Butterfly, Anise Swallow Tail, Papilio zelicaon
Cabbage white moth
Cockroach: American (Periplaneta americana), Oriental (Blatta
Common click beetles
Common balck ground beetles (Pterostichus spp.)
Common house spiders
Crab spiders
Crickets Gryllus pennsylvanicus
Daddy Longlegs Spiders, Phalangium opilio
Dragonfly - Common Whitetail, Libellula (Plathemis)
Dragonfly - Green Darner, Anax junius
Earwig, European, Forficula auricularia
Fiery Searcher, Green Hunter
Flies - many kinds
Giant Cranefly, Holorusia rubiginosa
Golden paper wasps
Great golden digger wasp, Sphex ichneumoneus
Honey bees
Hornet, Bald-faced, Vespula maculata
Hornet, Western Yellow Jacket, Vespula pensylvanica
Jerusalem Cricket
Little black ant (Monomorium minimum)
Mosquitoes Aedes and Culex
Moths - many kinds
Orb Weaver spiders
Praying Mantis
Red Hair velvet ants
Say's Stink Bug
Sowbug, Pillbug Common Armadillidium vulgare
Sphinx Moth, White Lined Sphinx Moth Hyles lineata
Spiders - many kinds: common, garden, spider mites
Spotted cucumber beetle
Tobacco Hornworm moth, Sphinx moth
Wasps - many kinds
Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
Westen Yellow Jacket wasps
White flies
Wolf Spider, Pardosa (The largest spider in our area)
Wood Ticks, Dermacentor
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Reference books we use for our research on insects:
The Audubon Societ Field Guide to North American Insects
and Spiders. By Lorus and Margery Milne. New York,
Alfred A. Knopf, 1980, 1992. ISBN: 0394507630.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to
California. By Peter Alden, Fed Heath, Richard Keen, Amy
Leventer, and
Wendy B. Zomlefer. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. 447
pages, index. ISBN: 0679446788.
The Nature of California. An Introduction to Common Plants and
Animals and Natural Attractions. By James
Kavanagh. Waterford Press, 1994. 178 pages,
index. ISBN: 0964025591.
Common Butterflies of California. Text and photographs
by Bob Stewart. Pt. Reyes Station, California, West Coast
Lady Press, 1997.
Reptiles and Amphibians
Red Bluff, California
Bull Frog, Rana catesbesiana
Pacific Tree Frog, Hyla regilla
California Toad, Bufo boreas halophilus
Western Aquatic Garter Snake, Thamnophis couchi
King Snake, Lampropeltis getulus californiae
Western Fence Lizard, Sceloporous occidentalis
Pacific Gopher Snake, Pituophis melannoleucus catenifer
Western Spadefoot Toad, Scaphiopus hammondi
Racer Snake, Coluber constrictor
Western Terrestrial Garter Snake, Thamnophis elegans
Reference books we use for our research on reptiles and amphibians:
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American
Reptiles and Amphibians.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1979, 1988. ISBN: 0394508246.
Red Bluff, California
We have seen racoons, skunks, coyotes, jack rabbits, gophers, mice, rats, bats, moles, and possoms in the yard and fields.
Bat, . A bat resting in the shade on the side of our home, 8/07.
We feed and manage two big dogs. They live outside the house:
Oreo is a mixed breed German Shepherd and Husky. She was born in 1996 and died in 2008. She has one floppy ear and big eyes.
Rowdy is a Rottweiller. He was born in 2001, and died in 2011. A big, gentle and friendly black dog.
Chelsea was a Golden Retriever. She died on 12/29/99 at 12 years of age.
We feed one cat:
Ms. Q, Q-Tip. She is a white cat of medium size. She
was born in 1998. She lives outside.
Mr. King Tut. He is a orange and white tabby. He was born in 2005.
He lives outside.
Our neighbors to the west have 6 beautiful mares, kept for breeding.
Our neighbors to the south ( (The Murphy's) have 5 goats, 2 horses, 1 cow, 3 dogs, and 2 emus.
Our neighbors to the northwest (Lori and Dave Slade) have 60 or 70 cows, and dogs.
Our neighbors to the southeast (C.B. and Gertie) have 4 -6 cows (Addie, Sarah, Hershey, ?). Their dog (Hilary) passed away.
Our neighbor to the north (Debbie) has 2 cats (Rossi, ) and 1 dog
(Buster). She has raised pigs, sheep, and
has many free range chickens.
Various Photographs for Our Yard and Gardens
Animals - Quotes for Gardeners
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of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2007
Karen and Mike Garofalo moved to Red Bluff, California, in June of 1998.
We live 7 miles south of downtown Red Bluff (14,000
population), near the
Proberta post office. Old Highway 99 West (constructed in the early 1920's) is a quarter of
a mile east of our home,
down the cul-de-sac Kilkenny Lane. Interstate 5 (constructed in the 1960's) is two miles to the west of our home at the Flores Road freeway off ramp. Highway 99 East,
which runs from Red Bluff along the east side
of the valley down to Chico, is about 10 miles east of our home. The town of Corning (6,900 population) is about 11 miles to the south.
Ed Whitelaw, an economics professor at the University of Oregon at Eugene, has determined that 80 percent of all
jobs west of Denver are within a 90 minute commute
from Interstate 5.
The Sacramento River is 2 miles due east of our home,
and 6 miles southeast to the Tehama bridge by country roads. The Sacramento can be
crossed over on concrete and steel bridges at Jelly's Ferry, Red Bluff, Interstate 5, Tehama, and
Woodson Bridge. The Sacramento river is a fast river in places as it drops
downhill from Shasta Dam all the way to Woodson Bridge near Corning. The river is quite cold
- below 55F even in the summer. Many seasonal creeks (Red Bank, Coyote, Oat, Elder, Thomes, etc.) cross the terrain as they drain east down to the Sacramento River from the Yolla Bolly
Mountain range
to the west. These creeks are normally dry in the summer.
Streams in our area (Battle, Mill, Deer, etc.) drain west from the southern Cascades (Mt. Lassen) down to the Sacramento
River. These
creeks run all year.
The terrain nearest our home is flat, with few natural
trees except for along nearby Oat creek (.2 miles south). The land is used mostly
for agricultural purposes: orchards of prunes, walnuts, olives and almonds;
corn and wheat fields; and grazing land for cattle, sheep, horses, and
goats. The area north of us up to Red Bluff is zoned for industry and includes the Wall-Mart distribution center, lumber processing plants, a propane gas plant, concrete
mixing and other light industries. The City of Red Bluff has a population of
Many homes in our area, and south 10 miles to Corning, have homes and out buildings situated on 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre parcels. Small farms and orchards abound.
Thirty five miles to the south is the city of
Chico. Thirty five miles to the north is the city of
Redding. These are more densely populated (50,000 - 80,000) cities
and surrounding unincorporated areas with dispersed populations. The town of Corning
(6,900 population) is
10 miles to the south directly down Hwy 99 West. Corning is noted for its
many olive orchards
and the Bell-Carter Olive canning plant in town (one of the largest in the
Quotes for Gardeners
Quotes, Sayings, Proverbs, Poetry, Maxims, Quips,
Clichés, Adages, Wisdom
A Collection Growing to Over 3,500 Quotes Arranged by Over 135 Topics
Many of the Documents Include Recommended Readings and Internet Links.
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2003
Photograph from our home looking towards the west.
Photograph from our home looking towards the east.
Our ranch style home is on a five acre parcel. An
irrigation ditch and natural drainage results in a small pond on
the west end of the
property, and a ditch that runs through the center of the property. Many cottonwood
and willow trees were planted along the ditch by the former owners of the property.
A number of neighbors share this ditch.
We pay for water released into the ditch. Also, when farmers flood
their grazing pastures or rice fields,
the overflow drains naturally down into the pond. When the ditch flows with irrigation water we use
a small electric pump
(1/6 horsepower at
1380 gallons per hour with no lift) to divert a little of the water to the drip
lines to our trees and
shrubs. When the ditch is not flowing, we water our vegetable garden with
pond water.
We planted many trees, shrubs and vines around the house to create plenty of shade. Water and energy conservation are improved with more shade in our USDA Zone 9 Sunset Zone 8. We have a hot and dry summer climate. Typically, we have low humidity all year.
We planted screens and hedges along the
edges of the property to establish borders, create backdrops for plantings, screen off
undesirable views of messy work and storage areas and roadways, and to lessen the effect
of the strong winds. We installed some fencing to create more wind breaks, enclosed landscaped areas, and block views of the driveway and parking area.
Most of the time, the weather is very pleasant here in
Red Bluff. The seasons are more defined here than
those in Southern California (San
Gabriel Valley) where we lived for 16 years before moving to Red Bluff. The
are much cooler, the summers hotter, more rain falls here, and there are greater extremes
of temperature
and weather. We have experienced wind gusts from the north and south up to 55
miles per hour, heavy tule fogs for up to a week in the winter, and temperatures as
low as 19°F in the winter and as high as 117°F in the summer.
The winds can come
from the north one day and from the south the next day as storm fronts from the Pacific
charge into the coastal mountains. The winds here are a serious problem for
gardening, for two reasons: First, high summertime daytime temperatures and
winds can quickly dehydrate plants unsuitable for this arid climate. Second, the winds
bend and sometimes break stems, branches and even the trunks of shrubs and trees. Summertime afternoons can become very hot - and our
vegetables thrive if watered properly. It snowed about two inches in 2002. There
is no smog in our area; hazy skies are most common
in the summer.
testing at our home in Red Bluff indicates that we garden in surface (top 12")
soil composed of: 57% clay, 37% sand, and 6% silt.
The soil is reddish brown looking, smooth in consistency, containing no pebbles or rocks. I used the "rapitest soil tester"
and found the soil to be: very acidic with a 5.5 - 6.5 pH,
with a medium nitrogen level, with a medium phosphorus level, and with a low
potash level. Over the past few years we have amended the soil with: dolomitic limestone,
commercial fertilizer, ironite,
composted manure, sand, truckloads of topsoil, grass and garden cuttings,
leaves, straw, and home compost. While planting trees and shrubs
from November to January, I
have seen numerous
worms in the topsoil.
We planted 30 bare root fruit and nut trees, and vines,
in the winter of 1998-1999, and 8 did not leaf
out in the spring. The grapes,
berries, apricots, maples, mulberries, persimmons, and figs did very well
from bare root
stock. The pecans, the most expensive, have grow very slowly. We planted 15 bare root
trees and 30 shrubs in the winter of
1999-2000. We planted many shrubs during the winter of 2001.
By 2002, many of these plants were 8-12 feet tall, e.g., cypresses, bottlebrush,
junipers, ash,
firethorn, eucalyptus, etc.. Grape vines have completely covered all lath houses.
In 1999, I built a large outdoor dog house and
dog pen area and new grape arbor and outdoor work
bench area, put up many new fences,
completed and extensive drip irrigation installation, and put in
electrical lines to
outdoor areas. We improved the soil in a large vegetable plot (25'x50') for
and summer crops. In the summer of 2000, I built a teahouse near the
pond. In the summer of 2001,
I built a large lath house, and outdoor storage
sheds. In the summer of 2002, I build a dog run,
installed underground pipelines, built a new storage shed, and finished
the vegetable garden
fencing and potting areas.
Our home is a one story, ranch style
house. It has a modern kitchen, large living room, dining room,
3 bedrooms and
2 bathrooms, a large study used for a home office, two smaller rooms, a large one car
garage with work areas, and a large covered back porch. It was built in
1987. It has 1,980 square feet.
It also includes a 435 square foot screened back porch. The property is now completely fenced
barbed wire and field (pig) fencing. Other homes in the
small subdivision
of our neighborhood are
all very similar - ranch style homes on 5 acre parcels.
We have a private water well. The well goes
down 130 feet through alternating layers of gravel and clay. The well digger
reported the layers as follows: 0-7' red clay, 7-15' gravel, 15-28' yellow clay,
28-65' hard gravel, 65-73' hard brown clay, 73-86' gravel, 86-108' brown clay, 108-135'
sandstone. An 1 horsepower electric 220 volt AC
motor runs the well pump.
In 2003 we added a large screened back porch, and painted the eaves of the house and the back bedroom. We also added new underground water lines from the middle pond for backyard irrigation. In 2004, we added shelving in the outdoor shed, a large covered work area, and a second large shed and painted everything brown. We continued to paint indoors and replace the sinks and water heater.
By the end of 2004 the background evergreen landscaping on all four sides of the house had grown to 8 to 20 feet in height. This provides privacy, wind protection, shade, and a wonderful view of deep green foliage all year. Next to the house are small lawn and flower areas to the west and east of the house. To the north and south are gravel covered areas before the shrubs and trees.
We use a septic tank with two leach lines.
We use a:
John Deere Lawn tractor and cart
5 horsepower lawn
an Echo string trimmer,
a (21cc)
Mantis tiller/cultivator,
lots of strenuous labor with hand tools: shovels, post hole digger, rakes,
hoes, picks, hoes, etc..
of Our Yard and Gardens
Comparisons 1998 to 2003
Our Neighbors
Our neighbor to the south, Curt Murphy, wrote to me on 22 December 2006:
"Your home has beautiful landscaping.. Must be a wonderful place to live.
Did you welcome the orioles this past summer? I've been on Kilkenny Lane
for 24 years and early last summer was the first time I've ever seen one. Do the
coyotes keep you awake at night as well? They're not a bother for me but,
I do hope my dogs barking at them doesn't interrupt your sleep. We have deer
moving up the creek at night. When my Dad and I built his pump shed 24
years ago (where did that time go), I remember driving up to the homestead and
seeing an enormous buck. I haven't seen a deer since, but I see their tracks
frequently in the creek bottom.
You've a great compilation of your surroundings. If you're interested I
would like to submit additional info that you are more than welcome to update or
add to your web page: Curt, Renee', Morgan and Jack Murphy. 2 horses
maintained and beloved by my wife and daughter (Hidalgo the paint and Ruby the
roan). 5 dogs (Steele and Roxy are the queenslands. Steele is the blue
male and Roxy the smaller red female. I think Roxy is enamored with your dogs.
She enjoys the occasional meetings at the fence line. The other 3 are West
Highland terriers that are indoors most of the time. 2 cats: (I've seen
Miss Kitty heading your way a time or 2. She is a small calico. Sammy is our
lazy Siamese who usually doesn't make it past the food bowl. Both are outdoors
at all time. The goat's name is Johnny. We now have 4 sheep in place of
the alpacas. I am unsure of what we call them but they are all ewes that supply
my daughter and son the lambs they need for 4H and a small income."
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The information on this webpage was first placed on the Internet in 2002.
This webpage was last updated on March 2, 2012