Stopping to See
Tercets, Haiku, Epigrams
By Mike Garofalo
never ever Simple—
simplifying or
history books
American minds
sins forgiven
crucifix crossed—
ballast tossed
taste of defeat
Your never to old
to embrace ...
a stupid idea.
bugle sounds
lights out
Tossed cans
in the recycling bin—
mea culpa
broken truck
wallet empty
rain pelting down
umbrellas drying inside
—opened the cafe menu
Swaying branches
play the wind—
falling twigs
yellow narcissus
first to spring ...
uplifting scene
Tired of arguing—
walked alone
hungry for love
thirst for a kiss
eager to suck
ready to fuck—
wishing for luck
child cries
alone in the dark
he preached solutions
for everything ...
weak stand up comedy
When the Divine knocks,
don't send a Prophet
to open the door.
journaling daily
passing time—
forgotten memories
no fig blossoms—
to every rule
He farted
really loud—
campfire laughter
freezing hours
stones cold
painful bones
When life give you
lemons, your probably
also out of sugar.
Planting bare root trees
is a paradigm case of
Becoming invisible
to oneself—
a pure act of gardening.
Reading Neruda—
without the translators
my Spanish inadequate
The flu
took her life—
a sharp COVID knife
pine log
wet cough
camellias withering
pink petals fall
with her—
reading horoscopes
damp ground
muddy trails—
watching my step
his rocking chair
sopped moving—
he died
Politics wobbly—
King T talks
and talks and talks
tulips bloom ...
by wooden shoes.
nursery roses
roots and stalks—
digging holes
dead bonsai
dried out—
washed the brown ceramic tray
Driving too Fast
and Crashed!!!
Lessons not learned!
buttered bread
coffee black—
daybreak rituals
her songs ...
We sang along.
He said "move your Chi" to me.
I had little use for mysterious Chi.
Chi-Qi language was irrelevant to me.
I moved my arms, moved my legs
walked and danced every day
no need for Chi to guide the Way.
Chi's like blood or nerve energies
but invisible, unmeasurable
not anatomically or physiologically
comprehensible to me.
Tai Chi teachers are good for me
without all the chatter
about my moving my Chi.
Nurture or Nature?
a question for an answer
to issues in our days.
Using Vilfredo Pareto's Rule
the 80/20 ratio
reveals itself
in many instances unveiled.
Roughly 80% of consequences
come from 20% of causes—
the Vital Few.
Take hetero-sexuality
instinctual, libidinal, inbred
80% can't resist Nature's
Species Survival Rules
female-male unconsciously
attracted to reproduce.
The majority are thus
automatically not attracted
to homosexuality.
Actually, genetically confused
and uncomfortable with
displays of "Queer Love."
Yes, many of the 80%
are also indoctrinated to believe
by parents, religions, customs, and laws
That gay sex is evil, sinful, illegal
bad, disgusting and wrong.
Nurturing here clearly to blame
For unnecessary disgust and hatred
that endlessly reclaims
anti-LGBT sentiments in backwater
Politician's pitches for voter's praise
ready to sacrifice and stigmatize
the 20% not playing their unconscious
knee-jerk missionary sexual games,
not a threat in any practical way,
but fanatics want gay blood anyway.
80% Nature, 20% Nurture
or the other twisted way
80% Nurture, 20% Nature
or 50-50 or some other ratio
that exposes our predispositions
to react and believe in this way.
Nature and Nurture combined
spawn the many hateful anti-gay
consequences we see all the time.
So who decided that commercials
featuring kissing men, interracial
gays, dykes and lesbians would
rile up conservatives to vote
for Republicans cutting taxes
for corporations and eliminating
Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion
for Blacks, Gays, Asians or Mexicans,
kept economically at bay.
Yes, you know why!
Corporate greed, oligarchy,
white Southern Confederate Pride,
millionaires buying ballots
crapping on little guys
the glee of a wealthy middle class
tearing up our progress;
fundamentalist fanatics power grabs
Christians, Muslims, Ignorants.
Return to the Past
Make America Great Again
God Bless America!
What about those damn
niggers, mexicans, rag heads,
filling up OUR white folks land?
The underpinning is Nature.
Birds of a Feather, Fuck Together.
Species differentiation inbred drives
compel us to prefer our own
and not other kinds
80% of the time
unconsciously rejecting diversity.
Then, of course, structurally,
sociologically, economically
keep the Haves Having
and the Have Nots humbled
the harsh realities of our American
history of slavery, Jim Crow,
Women enslaved by laws and men,
opression of Native Americans,
Asian exclusion, persecution,
imprisoning gays, anti-Labor laws,
legalized Christian marriage rules.
Cuttings: Haiku and Tercets (1998-2016)
Transitions: Haiku and Tercets (2017-2024)
Stopping to See: Haiku and Tercets (2025-)
25 Steps and Beyond: Collected Works
Epigrams, Quips, Sayings: 1,000 One Liners
Tao Te Ching: Concordance, Anthology
Zen Poetry: Bibliography, Links, Resources
Poetry Research by Mike Garofalo
At the Edges of the West, Volume 2
Highway 99 and Interstate 5
At the Edges of the West, Volume 1
Highway 101 and Hwy 1
Reginald Horace Blyth (1898 - 1964)
Mike Garofalo lives in Vancouver, Washington.
He worked for 50 years in city and county
libraries, and in elementary
He graduated with
degrees in
library science, and education. He has been
a web publisher since 1998.
25 Steps and Beyond; Collected Works
This document was last edited, revised,
reformatted, added to, relinked,
changed, improved, or modified
by Mike Garofalo
on March 18, 2025.