
Tercets, Haiku, Epigrams

By Mike Garofalo


You can sometimes
   get a handle on life,
but it often breaks.


selling things


soft pillow—
tired eyes


giving back—
   eye for eye
   tit for tat




largest organ
    our skin—
bruised shin


Lakshmi provides
Kali ignores poverty


trilobite fossils
   fascinate me—
living beings mineralized


drifting asleep ...
      myoclonic jerk—
sprung open my eyes


   could not recall
familiar names—
scary moments


In general, be more specific.
To put a bigger hat on an idea—
   Capitalize its Key Words.
"Mas o menos" is often quite sufficient.


a homeless man shivers—
   home of the free
   land of the hungry




bright lamp
white page
   pencil scratching


a plop of shit
down the outhouse hole—
      no paper


    freeway wreck
traffic stalled—
playing my harmonica


soil and sun—



Learning how to see
what is in front of me

Listening to crowing
cawing raucous melodies

Feeling my stepping
stacatto steps on cold streets

Discovered complexities
over ideas flowing under me

Learned how to be
imbedded in other realities



Funeral Blues

soul vanished
body died—
   consolations of lies

   his gray hair
funeral cosmetics

   the Smells of
multi-colored wreaths—
   perfumed corpse

he looked good
   for a corpse—
      dressed perfectly

Amazing Grace
   funeral blues—
tears on the casket

a coffin
for a home—
unconfined anywhere anymore

A small card summarized
his life in 49 lines,
read in 75 seconds.

requiem in pacem
beyond time



Tools of the Trade:








Tercets and Haiku Research
English Language Haiku and Tercet Poems

By Mike Garofalo

Research, Studies, Notes
Bibliography, Links, Docs


A Little Book on Form: An Exploration into the Formal Imagination of Poetry. By Robert Hass. Ecco-Harper, 2018, 446 pages. Tercets, pp. 53-83.

The Essential Poet's Glossary
. By Edward Hirsch. 2017, 385 pages. VSCL.

Hiddenness, Uncertainty, Surprise: Three Generative Energies of Poetry. By Jane Hirshfield. 2008, 64 pages. VSCL.

The Zen of Haiku: 1000 Tiny Poems. By Jay Verney.

Tiny Poems - Books at Amazon

Little Poems. Edited by Michael Hennessy. Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Series. 2023, 256 pages. Hardcover, VSCL.


Tercet, Triad, Triplet,
Terza Rima: aba bcb cdc
Invented by Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, 1305
Used by: Chaucer, Shelley, Randall Jarret, Robert Pinsky, Wallace StevensVSCL.


Cuttings: Haiku and Tercets (1998-2016)

Transitions: Haiku and Tercets (2017-2024)

Stopping to See: Haiku and Tercets (2025-)

25 Steps and Beyond: Collected Works

Epigrams, Quips, Sayings: 1,000 One Liners

Tao Te Ching: Concordance, Anthology

Zen Poetry: Bibliography, Links, Resources

Poetry Research by Mike Garofalo

At the Edges of the West, Volume 2
Highway 99 and Interstate 5

At the Edges of the West, Volume 1
Highway 101 and Hwy 1

The Gushen Grove Sonnets

Bundled Up: Tanka Poetry

Reginald Horace Blyth (1898 - 1964)



Above the Fog

The Oak Tree in the Courtyard

Tercets and Haiku Research

Two Levels: Haibun Poetry








Mike Garofalo lives in Vancouver, Washington.
He worked for 50 years in city and county
public libraries, and in elementary schools.
He graduated with degrees in philosophy,
library science, and education. He has been
a web publisher since 1998.







Text Art and Concrete Poetry

25 Steps and Beyond; Collected Works

This document was last edited, revised,
reformatted, added to, relinked,
changed, improved, or modified
by Mike Garofalo
on March 21, 2025.