A Wreck Ahead Comes Into View

By Michael Peter Garofalo

What you see might never be,
Changed for the better by factories.
What you hear might bring you fear,
Of nuclear power plants coming here.

San Onofre, Humboldt Bay, Chehalis all Closed,
Nuclear waste locked in hot concrete commodes.
Diablo Canyon headed for the same fate,
San Luis Obispo, Avila, spared somewhat late.

We can't deny Fukushima's tsunami demise,
Our West Coast shares that Ring of Fire Alive.
We shudder and shake in earthquakes strong.
Yes, it can suddenly become horribly wrong.

Trash bags and an old couch tossed quick
along a 101 roadside poppy covered ditch.

Tourists screw up what’s little left, for fun,
leaving papers and cans, then they run.

Do we need to ship more TVs from Japan,
oil from America, or toys from Hunan?

Abandoned appliances, collapsed old abodes,
and bags of garbage lay along this old 101 road.

Each year, more animals living in the sea
are disappearing, becoming extinct, sadly.

Ignoring State rules, limits, permits
some steal from Nature without remiss.

Pee and shit sewage slips down into the river
filling the bay with another killer.

Do we need to ship more shoes from China,
cars from Japan, underwear from Vietnam?

Oil spills scum the oceanside scene
many fish and birds dead, it’s obscene.

Plastic bottle islands float on the sea
more garbage floats along for free.

Salmon over fished, abalone nearly gone,
otters and whales hunted for far too long.

Chemicals spills kill the shellfish beds,
poison people, leave much life dead.

Coal kept us warm in winter storms
Leaving acid rain as our polluted norm.

Natural Gas BURNing MegaWatt Plants;
factories not "plants", not Green.

Googleplexes think with AI. But
without immense power, they will die.

I shuffled out a Voyager Tarot spread, it said:
Time-Space, Negativity, Disappointment,
Setback, Death.

The bees and birds disappear each day
as insecticides and diseases strip them away.

Coal BURNing Machines Make MegaWattsGrand
and strip mines Swallow Up more farming land.

Overpopulated cities gobble up all
electricity, food, water, and land for malls.

Do we need more cocaine from Columbia
meth from Mexico, or guns from America?

Second week of a very hot midnight sky;
worse news, the fresh water well is dry.

Forests were cut and not replanted
ruining watersheds, tree-huggers ranted.

Another oil spill on the West Coast,
decimating sea kelp forest hosts.

Our garbage dumps multiply, rise higher,
fouling the earth for decades in mire.

Droughts deplete the damned reservoir,
drinking water is rationed more.

Oil BURNing factories produce MegaWattsFast
and polluted gray Thick air that lasts.

Jet fumes flood the sky with grime
car exhaust fumes smog cut short our time.

Warming oceans, rising seas, spell our doom;
The Third Extinction over everyone looms.

I’d done my share to seal our Earth's sad fate
embarrassed, I changed
to tree hugging, ZPG, Tai Chi, driving less,
turning lights out, and gardening from age 28.

Nevertheless, my descendants in 2195, if any,
will blame my generation, justifiably, for
our greed, carelessness, over consumption,
our coal, oil, and plastic addictions,
our unwillingness to change our habits,
our hunger for novelty and bourgeois things,
our give a damn avarice and pride.
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa


A Wreck Ahead Comes Into View
By Michael Peter Garofalo



A Wreck Ahead Comes into View, 2019 & 2024

From: At the Edges of the West: Highway 101

25 Steps and Beyond Anthology

All by Michael Peter Garofalo




Michael Peter Garofalo (1946-) grew up in East Los Angeles, was educated in Catholic Schools, lived with two other brothers, graduated (B.A., M.S.) from local universities, married Blanche Karen Eubanks, served in the US Air Force, worked in and managed many City and Los Angeles County Public Libraries, raised two children, socialized, traveled, and learned. Retired as the Regional Administrator, East Region, Los Angeles County Public Library in 1998. We moved to a rural 5 acre property in Red Bluff, in the North Sacramento Valley, CA. Webmaster since 1999. Worked part-time for the Corning School District (Technology and Media Services Manager); and as a yoga, Taijiquan, and fitness club instructor until 2016. Traveled extensively in Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. We both retired, and we moved to Vancouver, WA, in 2017. Currently in 2025 reading, writing, gardening, harmonica playing, string figures playing, home chores, yurt camping, exercise, traveling in the Northwest, walking, web publishing, family events, poetry research, photography, Northwest research, Nature mysticism, sports events, and other projects.






Exhibits at the Cyber Gazebo: Text Art and Concrete Poetry
By Michael P. Garofalo


This document was last edited, revised,
reformatted, added to, relinked,
changed, improved?, or modified
by Mike Garofalo
on January 5, 2025.